Honda PC800 complete 3D scan 01
Spare Cans by Dolf
This is a 3D scan of a 1989 Honda PC800 (Pacific Coast).
Specificly my pacific coast.
I scanned it using a Shining 3D Einstar Vega.
In the .zip file are two types of scan data. One closed and one watertight. Neither scan is perfect... far from it! These are quite rough. Consider them starting points for your project.
I also included a .blend and .stl of a cleaned version. This is also far from perfect but I spent a couple hours cleaning and adding some stuff like the windshield.
I'm offering this for free... but paying a $ or two helps me make and share more stuff.
A .zip archive with my scan data (including textures) and a somewhat clean model.
212 MB
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